Week Long Coverage by including a 1 hr live Celebrity Chat Event - Full transcript here, Jul 2014
Week long coverage on Exit Point by! I did a one hour live Q&A on Rediff Celebrity Chat - full transcript
here - and Rediff ran interviews, book excerpts and related pieces all through the week. I was featured prominently on the home page of the lifesytle section, and leading up to the celebrity chat live event, also on the main home page! Awesome week! Awesome coverage by India's premier online platform. Book sales went through the roof in a week and we went out of stock on Flipkart in no time!
The questions on Celebrity chat were very interesting and reading this - similar to seeing my live interview stream from YouTube from the Pune event - will pretty much give you insight into everything from how and why I write, what I feel about the process and impact of storytelling, my perspective on India's book publishing industry and tips on both writing as well as getting published and promoting your work in India.